Vegan Cinnamon Rolls

cinnamon roll

Happy Friday Sprossians!

We hope that you are all safe, healthy and of course STAYING HOME during this time. We are sending all our love to you all at home and hope that this treat will give you something to do while you are all at home 🙂

You all asked, and we delivered! We recently baked some delicious Vegan Cinnamon Rolls in the Spross Kitchen and got so many responses asking for the recipe! So here it is. This recipe is not completely ours. Danielle created the frosting and filling recipe and she adapted a recipe for the dough from a vegan cookbook that is linked in our sources!

These cinnamon rolls are even better than the ones you get at the mall. The frosting is freaking heavenly but you can of course substitute a simple icing as well for a lower fat version…however, I think with cinnamon rolls, you just have to let yourself indulge in them.

They are moist, fluffy, and surprisingly easy to make! The dough is super easy to handle and roll out, which I have not found with most yeast doughs. They take some time to make, but are still simple to make and hey, we all have tons of time on our hands right now anyways, so this is a great recipe to tackle right now!

We wish you much luck in keeping these bad boys for more than a few days…they are simply divine! 

So, without further ado, we give you the recipe for our Vegan Cinnamon Rolls!

These Cinnamon Rolls are: 

  • Moist
  • Fluffy
  • Vegan
  • Soy Free
  • Easy To Make
  • Delicious
  • Heavenly
frosted cinnamon rolls

Vegan Cinnamon Rolls


*= see notes

For the Dough

  • 500 g all purpose flour
  • 1 yeast cube*
  • 180 ml Oat milk*
  • 30 g Applesauce
  • 70 g Sugar
  • 60 g  Vegan Butter (room temp.)
  • 1/2 t Salt

For the Filling: 

  • 70 g Vegan Butter (room temp.)
  • 3 T ground cinnamon
  • 20 g (or 1 T) Agave syrup
  • 70 g brown sugar*

For the Frosting:

  • 50 g vegan butter (room temp)
  • 120 g vegan cream cheese*
  • vegan powdered sugar (at least 100 g)
  • 1 t vanilla extract
  • 3 t lemon juice


  • Yeast cubes are usually found in the chilled section at your local market. However, you can use dry yeast for this, just use enough for 500 g of flour and follow the instructions of the package. I cannot say with certainty that they will turn out the same using dry yeast.
  • You can substitute soy milk for oat milk. We have not tried this but I guess it will work. The recipe will no longer be soy free.
  • Brown Sugar – for those of you in Austria or Germany: This is not the same sugar as the Braune Zucker that you find in stores. The best substitute that I use is Gelb Zucker
  • Vegan Cream cheese: We love the brand SimplyV here in Austria! (you can find it here at Interspar)


For the Dough

  1. Make your oat milk lukewarm, not hot. Then add the yeast cube and the apple sauce and mix until well combined and the yeast cube has completely dissolved. 
  2. In a large mixing bowl, add the flour, sugar and salt and mix until combined. 
  3. Add the yeast/oat milk/applesauce mixture to the flour mixture. Also add the butter at this point.
  4. Mix everything together (I use my hands) to make it into a dough. Make sure everything is very well combined and mixed evenly.
  5. Coat another medium mixing bowl with a little bit of olive oil, put the dough ball in the bowl, and cover with a clean towel (standard kitchen towel is fine). Let sit for 45 minutes to 1 hour to rise. 

For the Filling:

while your dough is rising, you can go ahead and make the filling and the frosting.

  1. Combine butter, cinnamon and agave in a small bowl and mix until combined. Slowly begin to add the sugar a bit at a time. The mixture should be spreadable, so if it is getting too thick, you can reduce the amount of sugar you add in. You can also add more if it’s too soft. 
  2. Set aside.

For the Frosting: 

  1. Combine butter, cream cheese, vanilla and lemon juice in a bowl. 
  2. Using an electric mixer, mix until well combined. 
  3. Slowly add powdered sugar until your desired consistency and sweetness is reached. I never use the same amount of sugar. I add it until the texture is smooth like a cake frosting but not quite as thick. This is all personal preference 🙂 
  4. Put in fridge until you are ready to use it.


  1. After about an hour, the dough will have at least doubled in size. 
  2. Preheat the oven to 180 C/350 F
  3. Take out the dough and put on a large well floured surface. Try to shape it in to a rectangle before starting to roll it out.
  4. Roll out the dough, trying to keep a rectangular shape. The more even your shape is, the less you will waste in the end when cutting your rolls. Roll out the dough to about 1cm thickness (a little thicker is totally okay!)
  5. Once it’s all rolled out, spread your filling on the dough. Try to spread it as evenly as possible. It should be able to cover at least 95% of the dough evenly.
  6. Time to roll! Roll up your dough along one of the long sides making sure it’s not too loosely rolled. Slow and steady. 
  7. When it’s all rolled up, it’s time to cut. My trick? Dental Floss! Sounds weird but it is honestly the best way to cut them. Cut a long piece of floss, center it under the dough to where you want to cut, and then criss-cross the string on top and slice it 🙂 
  8. Repeat step 6 until you get to the end. You may need to discard the first and last depending on how it was rolled. 
  9. Assemble the rolls in a baking pan, leaving only about 10 cm/2.5 inches space between them. 
  10. Bake in the oven for about 45 minutes (checking them every 15 minutes or so as every oven is different and you don’t want them to burn or over-bake). Reminder: the outsides may be cooked, but since they are rolled up, it takes the centers a bit longer to cook through.
  11. When they are done, take them out and immediately put the frosting on them! I just put a small spoonful on each one and watch it melt away 🙂 You can spread it on as well if you like.
  12. And then, freaking ENJOY! 

We hope that you enjoy making this recipe and that you have even more fun eating it!

Let us know how it goes for you and what you think about the recipe! 

Please leave us a comment and share this post with your friends. You can also follow us on instagram @sproutedconsciousness


Friedl, Daniela u. Emme, Miriam (2015)
Book Title: Vegane Versuchung: Soja- & Weizenfrei
Freya Publishing

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